Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Waiting is Hard!

So, I got an email late Monday night that my social worker had finished my Home Study! Which excites me a ton!! Almost done with this step. However, the main office has to review it (which is important as Immigration or China could ask for more information so better to be right from the start then have a delay!). It has only been two days yet I am anxiously awaiting the email from my social worker saying she has it back and we can schedule to meet. We will meet and review the entire home study (she said usually 8 to 10 pages). Then if any corrections need made or spelling are wrong she will have to fix those. After I meet with her it has to be notarized and then mailed to me. I was ready for it to be done yesterday, but am learning to rely on the Lord and His timing!

After, I get the completed and notarized home study I will mail immigration paperwork. Which I have completely filled out just need to sign and date! :) Then I will get to wait again....

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sorry been awhile!

Things are still moving right along with the Home Study. I met last Friday the 10th with the social worker. I had to be interviewed about reasons for wanting to adopt, my beliefs, my growing up, etc... It went really well - this time I wasn't nervous, I was just me - which is what everyone kept telling me to be :)

The social worker also let me know she has all the paperwork from me and all the clearances she needed. She will now begin to write the Home Study report! She said usually takes about a week! Then it has to go to the main office (adoption agency is out of Delaware). They will review to make sure it has all the information needed and send back to the social worker. This usually takes about a week as well. So hopefully by March 1st I will have the Home Study complete! I will meet with the social worker one more time to go over it and sign it.

Once I have signed notarized copies of the home study I will mail my immigration paperwork. (1-800A). I actually have it all filled out and just need to sign and date it. It will get mailed along with the fees to go with it :). - Thankfully my tax return will cover these fees.

Once I have the Home Study I can apply for and write for grants to help cover the cost of the adoption. After immigration is complete (45 - 60 days has been average time). I will be working to get my dossier ready for China and another large amount is due at that time (Close to $5,000). However, I know God has called me to get Evy Lu and will work hard and trust Him along the way!

A fun story about the journey. I mentioned in my first post about a lady who went to "Nikki.s" orphanage to adoption a little boy. While visiting the orphanage Evy Lu (Nikki) ran up to this lady and hugged her and kissed her. Her husband took a picture of this encounter and they posted to a FaceBook Group asking about her. Several people sent me the picture pointing out the person looked a lot like me. This week the sweet lady added me on Facebook and sent me a private message. She said she couldn't believe how this little girl just ran up to her and hugged and kissed her like she knew her. She was wondering about adoption as the little girl was so sweet. She told me she was glad that Evy Lu (Nikki) was getting the mama she really wanted. Thank you Ronda for writing it blessed me heart - and yet makes me long even more to be back in China!