Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Almost There

       Once again I apologize for not blogging. For a long time I was so frustrated that I didn't want to write and then life got busy. It seems my wait for LOA (letter of approval) took forever. It was 73 days but felt like an eternity. I was following a chart of other adopting parents on Facebook and others got theirs in 38 days. Then people logged in almost a month after me started getting theirs. I began to let fear sink in that something was wrong, perhaps I wasn't going to get approved. I knew this was strange as I met every requirement. My agency kept telling me that everything was fine and sometimes things just take a little longer. However, I let Satan steal my joy rather than running to the Lord with prayer and asking Him to encourage me.  God continued to work during the midst of my wait. During the wait I received a grant from Show Hope (Steven Curtis Chapman's Foundation) - For those in St. Louis he is coming November 9th I encourage you to support his tour! This was a rather large grant which would pay the rest of agency fees and help with a few travel expenses. I was also blessed by several individual gifts from folks to help with plane tickets. As I reflect back this has been my story for this entire adoption. Every time I have had a payment due, God has provided 100% of my need.  As I look back during the discouraging time, God was giving me HOPE and showing me HE is the provider. Sometimes I was just too stubborn to see it!
      My family and church family also gave me an amazing adoption shower. I really thought I would have LOA long before this date, but did not. (It came the Friday after the shower). I was given a lot of amazing things including clothes, car seat, wagon, stroller, bath stuff, toys, book, and kitchen necessities, gift cards and much more. It was overwhelming the amount of love and support that was shown! Just another nudge for me to see that God is working. It is amazing that so many people already love a little girl that they have only seen pictures and heard stories about her life. I can't wait for her to finally be home and meet everyone!!
       Evy Ly also had her 6th birthday during the LOA wait. I connected my agency asking if I could send a cake to her for her birthday. The coordinator in China allowed me to email him pictures, which he printed and put in an alubum for her. He also sent her a panda bear. I got pictures of her looking a the two of us (I pictures I sent from the November trip) and her with the panda on her birthday! Which was the morning I was leaving for Children's Camp. I was feeling good and so excited to see these. He said that the orphanage would get her a cake later in the week and he would send more pictures. So on Friday evening I did get 3 more pictures of her. I also got new measurements and she is little. (31 pounds and 40.5 inches).
                                  Evy Lu, seeing her with her mom. Finding out her family on her birthday!

                                                        Birthday panda agency sent.

       The last month since I received LOA (July 21st) it has been hurry fill out a form then wait some more to fill out a form and wait. The steps for me to complete were completely accomplished yesterday! I got my i800 approval on August 11th (this was United State Immigration saying yes I could bring Evy Lu to the United States and adopt her). They then forward everything to NVC (National Visa Center) and more wait for approval for them. Got it yesterday 8/21/17 and then filled out another form to apply for her VISA which was forwarded to the consulate in Guangzhou, China. I waited for an email with attachment (which I thought would be much more official then it was!). I then forwarded everything to my agency who sent to China rep. He will drop everything off at Consulate on Thursday. It takes them two weeks to review. He will pick it up on September 7th. I then wait for final Travel Approval from China along with my Consulate Date. Everything is on schedule for me to leave in early to mid October. I am hoping for an October 16th Gotcha (which should not be a problem).

         I am so close to being finalized yet it seems so far away! :) Thank you for the continued prayers. For those who have helped with the puzzle I need to get an updated picture. It is almost complete just waiting for a few pieces to be given back to me or signed. I have one more grant that I am going to the board on September 5th. If I get this grant I will be 100% funded! Thank you to everyone who has helped fund the adoption!

I will leave you with her birthday cake pictures. My guess is this was her first time receiving a cake just for her and her being celebrated!

                                          What a fun party. The little drink are probably yogurt drinks.

They have such neat candles in China! 

    Love this smile of her cutting her cake! 

I promise to do better updating during travel and once home. :)

Monday, June 26, 2017

God is working

I have been so bad about coming on here to blog. I had good intentions to do so weekly. But have failed! It has been 48 days since I posted. I know the exact days to be 48 because it was been 48 days since I was LID (Logged in with China). I am currently waiting on my LOA (Letter of Approval  also knows as LSC Letter Seeking Confirmation). The first 30ish days was an easy wait. Day 35 started to get harder.... Day 38 was torture! I belong to a Facebook group and other with my LID were posting that they received LOA. I wanted to get the news I had also gotten LOA. I tried to wait and be patience but my heart was longing for news. I emailed my case worker only to be told that LOA's come in batches by agency and my agency had not gotten any. Not the news I wanted. I was then expecting LOA this past Friday - which was day 45 and the average wait time.... again no news, except this time no one received any LOA's. I am praying it comes sometime this week, it past few months they come on Tuesday or Friday so........ any day.

God has used this time to draw me closer to Him. I am human and often fight His timing. The maintenance worker (who also prodded me to listen to God back in December) reminded me at the end of last week that God knew the perfect timing of when I would get EVY. He knew the date of each step before He even called me to go to China and serve Him! I didn't like hearing this, however it was the truth I needed to hear! I can't do anything to make the approval come. Yes, I have a date I would like to travel by. At first I thought it had to be a certain time in early September or wait until late October early November. My mom is traveling with me and her work has a big conference end of September she didn't think she could miss. When she explained to her boss (a new boss to her) what was going - she was told "family first - we are a team if you need to be in China getting your granddaughter then that is where you need to be." Again God continues to confirm His call and provide along the way.

So, how else is God working.... lets talk about cost a little. Adoption is not cheap in fact it is quite expensive. However, from that  moment I knew God was telling me I was to be Evy's mom, but scared how that could be or would work. I felt such assurance He would provide. I announced on Facebook, I was adopting. The very next day at church I was handed a card with the exact money I needed to begin my Home Study without emptying my savings account. This has been true for each step of the journey so far. I got my tax return right when a payment was due that covered the payment. I needed an amount for USCIS (immigration) and again I was handed a check that was the exact amount again. God has once again provided. Once LOA is receive I owe $4000 to my agency (completing the fees to the agency). I will still owe fees while in China, as well as travel expenses. I  have applied for several grants but had not heard from any of them. Two weeks ago one contacted me wanting more information... I filled the form out. Then last Wednesday they emailed again wanting more information and to say they were meeting Sunday and I had made it to the final step but they would be narrowing down from there and let me know is 72 hours (so by Wednesday I should hear). Well, today I got a letter from Show Hope (Steven and MaryBeth Chapman foundation) letting me know they had awarded me a $6000 grant. God paid for the last agency fees before I even began to worry since I don't have LOA yet. On Wednesday I hope to hear from "A Gift of Adoption Foundation" which will help cover the cost of the airline tickets! I have been working hard to raise the orphanage donation  ($5,200) I will take it with me to China. There are a couple other fees for court costs for adoption in her providence as well as medical exam and visa in Guangzhou. Plus the cost of hotel, food, guide/translator. However, God has provided and shown me that if we are obedient to do what He asks us to do - even if it seems impossible he goes before us to make a way. It reminds me that Jesus did this for me. He provided for me by giving His life, that I could spend eternity with my heavenly father.

So what steps are left.. LOA :) then I send paperwork back to USCIS to grant Visa for Evy Lu (I have approval to adopt a child from China, but this is matching specific child). Then it goes through 3 or 4 steps in US and China making sure all paperwork is complete. Then China issues TA (Travel Approval). Mom and I will then leave about 2 weeks after TA. When I get TA a lot has to happen very quickly. I will need to get a VISA as well as mom. However, because I work at a church I have to go to the Chinese Consulate in Chicago in person to apply. Plane tickets will be booked and with adoption agency's travel person hotels will be booked. But as God has reminded me the last few weeks, He knows each of these steps and has it!

Thank you for continuing to pray for me. Evy Lu's birthday is July 11th - I have a feeling this will be a hard day. I will be sending a birthday cake to her in China! I also leave for children's camp that day so it will be a good distraction! I love kids camp so that is good as well! It was also at kids camp last year I got the first text asking me to pray about going to China in November.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I thought I needed to give an update as it has been way to long and my paperwork is now complete!! I finally got my immigration approval and used a service out of Chicago to get the approval, notarized, state certified and authenticated. It came back in less than a week! I then sent to my agency, but there were a few hiccups there and it took another 5 days to get sent to China. I was trying very hard not to be frustrated but to be honest it was hard! When you are counting days and trying to get my a goal EVERY day counts! :)

I was DTC (Dossier to China) on 5/1/17. Once it heads over - meaning the agency mailed it and China is waiting for hard copy to get them, you wait for it to be logged in to their system (LID). I received word this morning from my agency that I was LID today! Now I count up days till LOA (Letter of Acceptance) - this is China's final approval. The agency said it goes through several steps before getting to final approval. First it goes to "in translation", then "in review", then "in matching" (Yes I have already to matched but my paperwork will be officially matched to hers). then final approval comes. I can expect around 45 days of waiting (some recently have taken up to 60 ugg).

I am really hoping to travel the very end of August, beginning of September. I will know more if that is doable after getting LOA. I also need to work on raising more funds for the adoption. So far all fees are paid. However there is a $5200 orphanage donation fee, I must take in cash so I have started process to raise this. There are still some other agency fees, as well as visa for her and a medical exam in country. As well as travel expenses (plane tickets, guides, translators, hotels, etc). Travel expenses they say to estimate ($4000 per person for guide, plane/train tickets, hotels, and food). I have applied for 3 grants (haven't heard anything) and am working on two others. I am praying them will help with some of the travel expenses and the last of the agency fees.

I have a puzzle that has pictures of Evy Lu from her file and my trip to China. It has has the phrase "Love You to the Moon and Back" on it. I am asking for a $10 donation for a puzzle piece and then you can sign the back (or if you live away I will write your name). I will then frame this puzzle so either side can be seen. It will go in her room and I pray be a great conversation piece to talk about how much she was loved before everyone even met her! If you would like a puzzle piece or multiple just let me know.

Thank you for the continued prayers!! Others have said the wait for LOA is the hardest. I though I-800A wait was very hard (it was about the same time frame 44 days). I feel more at ease this time so hopefully I do well waiting.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Still Waiting.....

I am sorry, I have not done a very good job updating you. However, there has been no additional news as far as waiting for i-800a approval. I was fingerprinted on the 24th of March... I belong to a facebook group and things have slowed down. The social worker told me things were averaging around 45 days (I am still under that at day 37 today). However, time is calculated by when you receive in the mail and many have taken 10 days after approval to get.

I sent all my other documents I need for the dossier to a courier to be authenticated at the Chinese Embassy and they will be back in the mail today!! So, again I just wait for my last document (which will then still have to be state sealed and authenticated). I thought I would be ok and be content with waiting, but that has not been the case. It is hard.... when it is out of my control and you are waiting on our government officers to give you the "ok" to adopt. I know I can't do anything to make it happen, but just longing to get it. I really wanted to have my dossier completed by my birthday next week and now know there is no way. However, I pray that at least I have approval from USCIS by my birthday.

My encouragement has come from reading God's word, and praying to Him. I have been studying and reading verses about being content in Him. Which is VERY helpful!! After my dossier documents are compiled they will be mailed to China and again I wait (35 - 50 days). I really hoped to Travel end of August first week of September, - things will have to fly to make that timeframe. However, I know God formed Evy Lu and is watching over her. I have received very comforting words from others who have adopted from her local orphanage foster care system. In fact I have friended a lady on Facebook whose son was in Evy Lu's foster home. God sends encouragement when it is needed. That friend connection came last Friday, just when I needed! This week has been a little better. Celebrating Easter and preparing for it has kept my spirit uplifted!

Thank you for all you who are praying for this process!

Friday, March 10, 2017

I-800 A done and waiting

As I was going through some photos tonight and praying for Evy and several of the other children from the trip it hit me. It was exactly 4 months ago I held her in my arms for the very first time. November 10th is the first day we visited her orphanage. The picture below is the first time I held her.

At times I think I am doing really well. Then someone asks me about the process. I am excited to share and it makes me glad others want to know, but at the same time makes me sad. I so wish she knew I was going to be her mama, that she has someone who loves her and wants her to be part of her family! That that crazy American who loved her a lot and gave her tons of attention and love is going to be her family.  

Today, God showed me in several ways this is still His story  and He is writing it. First, I got a call from our AWANA Missionary (back in late January he had stopped by to check on ministry and life and I mentioned my change and plans to adopt). He was calling to pray with me and for Evy. He didn't really want anything except to say He was praying and wanting to know how to be praying. He is excited about the. adoption. Made my morning!! Then I got a donation towards the adoption. I will set it aside for the next step. Just when I need encouragement God steps in and says I am here.  I am so blessed to serve such a loving and mighty Savior! I can't wait to teach Evy about her creator. To tell her how God brought us together. I pray for her to know the saving grace of Jesus! 

Update on adoption progress. I mailed my I-800 A last Friday. According to timeline of other families about 10 days after mailing they get notice it is there and another week to 10 days to get fingerprint appointment date. So right now I am in a waiting phase again :). I have a fundraiser on Monday - our local IMO's is donating a portion of sales from the entire day (for all orders). It is amazing to live ina small community and get their support. I will be having IMO's for lunch and dinner! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Home Study Complete

First big step can be checked off! Just last week I was frustrated and struggling with waiting and today that prayer is answered! I met this morning with the social worker and read over the home study noticed a couple mistypes. She said she would go back to office correct it and mail it to me!

This evening I got an email from the agency congratulating me on completing the home study. Next step in I-800A (immigration approval). I have this application printed and signed. All paperwork that goes with it is set out - including a check :)  Just have to add home study and take to post office.

I will have more waiting for this step after it is mailed. However this are now other action steps I can work on. I have a couple more documents to get for my dossier and now that I have a completed home study I can begin applying for grants - which should keep me busy for a little bit!

Thank you for the continued prayers and encouragement through this process!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Waiting is Hard!

So, I got an email late Monday night that my social worker had finished my Home Study! Which excites me a ton!! Almost done with this step. However, the main office has to review it (which is important as Immigration or China could ask for more information so better to be right from the start then have a delay!). It has only been two days yet I am anxiously awaiting the email from my social worker saying she has it back and we can schedule to meet. We will meet and review the entire home study (she said usually 8 to 10 pages). Then if any corrections need made or spelling are wrong she will have to fix those. After I meet with her it has to be notarized and then mailed to me. I was ready for it to be done yesterday, but am learning to rely on the Lord and His timing!

After, I get the completed and notarized home study I will mail immigration paperwork. Which I have completely filled out just need to sign and date! :) Then I will get to wait again....

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sorry been awhile!

Things are still moving right along with the Home Study. I met last Friday the 10th with the social worker. I had to be interviewed about reasons for wanting to adopt, my beliefs, my growing up, etc... It went really well - this time I wasn't nervous, I was just me - which is what everyone kept telling me to be :)

The social worker also let me know she has all the paperwork from me and all the clearances she needed. She will now begin to write the Home Study report! She said usually takes about a week! Then it has to go to the main office (adoption agency is out of Delaware). They will review to make sure it has all the information needed and send back to the social worker. This usually takes about a week as well. So hopefully by March 1st I will have the Home Study complete! I will meet with the social worker one more time to go over it and sign it.

Once I have signed notarized copies of the home study I will mail my immigration paperwork. (1-800A). I actually have it all filled out and just need to sign and date it. It will get mailed along with the fees to go with it :). - Thankfully my tax return will cover these fees.

Once I have the Home Study I can apply for and write for grants to help cover the cost of the adoption. After immigration is complete (45 - 60 days has been average time). I will be working to get my dossier ready for China and another large amount is due at that time (Close to $5,000). However, I know God has called me to get Evy Lu and will work hard and trust Him along the way!

A fun story about the journey. I mentioned in my first post about a lady who went to "Nikki.s" orphanage to adoption a little boy. While visiting the orphanage Evy Lu (Nikki) ran up to this lady and hugged her and kissed her. Her husband took a picture of this encounter and they posted to a FaceBook Group asking about her. Several people sent me the picture pointing out the person looked a lot like me. This week the sweet lady added me on Facebook and sent me a private message. She said she couldn't believe how this little girl just ran up to her and hugged and kissed her like she knew her. She was wondering about adoption as the little girl was so sweet. She told me she was glad that Evy Lu (Nikki) was getting the mama she really wanted. Thank you Ronda for writing it blessed me heart - and yet makes me long even more to be back in China!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1st social worker visit

I was nervous today as I met with the social worker for the first time. I didn't really know what to expect. I do know it is her job to give approval on a state level and the first approval I have to get. (Minus the Pre-Approval from China but it is not final approval from them either that comes later). I drove up to Rochester, IL stopping in Glen Carbon to get fingerprints on the way. I focused on 2 Timothy 1:17 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." and Philippians 4:6 -7 "“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 

I know that God is in this and therefore I need to take my fears and concerns to Him and let His peace come over me. I listened to many of my favorite praise songs. Got to the city early so found a small park to reflect and pray. Then drove over to the office and was actually very calm and felling peace! God hears our prayers. I know many of you were praying and I thank you for that. I got several texts, emails, and Facebook messages of prayer. 

The meeting went fine. It was a laid back meeting to talk about procedure and to go over steps. Steps to the Home Study and to the final adoption process. I asked a few questions I had written down. I had over 1/2 of the paperwork already completed and really just have a few more to complete. Getting fingerprints on the way was a good thing :) I need to do
10 hours of online parenting classes/training. And four hours of research on her special need (those are my big items to complete!). I have scheduled a physical and have to get some blood work but not worried about that step. 

Next Friday, February 3rd I will meet again with the social worker. This time she will come to my house. She has to make sure I have working smoke detectors, carbon monoxide, fire extinguishers, check water temperature, and a few other small items. (I do know I need to add another railing on my basement steps but should be a simple fix). Things are moving right along. 

I have the initial agency fees paid and the Home Study fee. Thank you for those that have helped with these fees (I had a lot of it in my savings but not quite all of it). I will now concentrate on the amount I need next which will be when I complete my dossier and it goes to China (This is a pretty big amount and I have to raise before my Dossier gets sent). 

Thank you for all the prayers, encouraging words, hugs, texts, emails, Facebook messages. It helps knowing I have so much support! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

She shall be called.....

Trying to decide on a name is hard!! I understand the struggle parents now go through when trying to pick a name. Do you try to pick a family name? A name because it has a certian meaning? A story behind the name? At first I liked the name Esther... because of her story in the Bible. God used her beauty to become Queen and ultimately save His people. I was drawn to my daughter from the first picture I saw and how cute she was - she was beautiful. But some didn't really care for the name.. and I knew it was my decision. But as I looked at her Esther just didn't fit her personality. So I decided to think of a middle name. I have always wanted to use my mom's middle name if I ever had a girl which is Ann. I thought a bit if it would be just Ann or add something to it. - I came up with LuAnn as a middle name Lu is her Chinese last night and Ann my mom's middle name. I picked that pretty easy. 

However,  I then began researching family names..... and going through more... throwing names out  I didn't like them or din't like how it all flowed together. I then thought I want her to have a cute nick name that ends in LU - so what could I call her that would go with that. Which lead to the name Evelynn (which has several family ties as well. An extra n on the end as my middle name is Lynn). Evelynn LuAnn 

She will be called Evy Lu (pronounce EV-EE not E-V). 

So instead of Nikki I will now be referring to her as Evy Lu. 

Please be praying for me on Thursday afternoon as I meet with the social worker for the first time. Everyone says no need to be nervous just be yourself. Trying to remind myself of this daily! 

I will post again after my meeting Thursday and I should know more next steps I need to complete to finish the home study. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Home Study Begins...

I am full in force working on my Home Study they can take 2 to 4 months to complete. However I have made a goal to get it done in 2 months. My social worker sent me a file with questions to fill out for an autobiography. I thought it wouldn't be too hard I could finish in a day or two. Ok so I was totally kidding myself. What started as 16 pages of questions ... ended as 22 pages. Some questions easy some thought provoking. Plus as I would write I would second guess the wording. That was stressful and it is only the beginning!!

I have been working to sort out the paperwork as things I need to order or get (fingerprints, criminal clearance, birth certificate, etc) Reference letters I need from work, family, and friends. I will need to read several books and take some classes (I believe most online).

I will have several visits with a social worker as well. My first visit with her will be next Thursday - I am sure I will know a lot more after it of what I need to do!

I am still very excited and know God has called me to do this and is along with each step. I know He willl provide (He is already proving that!). I will still have lots of work to do to get funds and complete everything that is my part! Continue to pray for me and everyone involved in this process as well as "Nikki" and her foster parents.

Monday, January 16, 2017

All About Nikki

I wanted to write a post introducing you to Nikki. I know many of you followed me on Facebook during my trip to China and saw pictures and read stories I shared. I wanted to share those here as well for others.

*Let me start by saying Nikki is her advocacy name that was given to her by the agency for others to be able to identify her. This is not her Chinese name - nor is it what I will be naming her. Since I am only 90% decided on a name I am waiting to share and for now will refer to her as Nikki.

"Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they are not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do everything changes." - David Platt

The above quote is very real to me. In the near future I have some other orphans I would actually like to introduce you to as well. They were part of the journey of me finding my daughter and many of them are still waiting to find their forever family. Please be open to what God might ask you to do.. Do you have room for a child in your home - ask me I would love to share about some of the others! But for now here is what I wrote about Nikki on Facebook with blue lettering additions to it...

"She is 5 years old and has CP (Spastic Cerebral Palsy).
She is the sweetest little thing. She is shy at first but still smiles. Her smile is contagious. She is ALWAYS happy! I miss seeing her smiling face (in fact the last two nights I woke up thinking about her).
She wears braces on both of legs. The right leg is shorter than the left one. (On her medical review the doctor wondered how different they really are or if it is just tight muscles in her hip) However this does not stop her. She can walk and run (though running is slower then others her age). She climbed up a ladder/steps in the play place. She can go and will, She will enjoy it and laugh while doing it. She did have a little trouble climbing over wall to get out of the ball pit but would reach her arms up and say mama till you picked her up then give you the biggest hug.
She fed herself at lunch (it wasn't a spoon but nannies say she used one fine) we had KFC so chicken nuggets, fries and hot milk it was. She could grip the fries and dip in Ketchup. Once again she did better with her left hand, but when forced could also use her right hand. She lifted the cup with both hands to drink.
I did not hear her talk much except mama, or to ask for water. Her nanny said she does talk but can be hard to understand as the CP seems have effected some of her speech. However the nanny said she can follow instructions fine and understands what you are saying. The nanny said her intelligence does not seem to be effected (though she is behind in some areas). She can stack blocks and do a shape sorter. She could hold a pencil but had trouble using it. She however loved painting and did great with that.
She was wearing diapers while with us but again the nanny said she can go, however the way the brace goes on she cannot take it off herself and it velcros around her pants. We had her all afternoon and she was never wet. (Her file also says she is dry all night and goes first thing in the morning)
On the last afternoon with her I had a headache (I believe from exhaustion and the thought of saying goodbye to the children 2nd city saying goodbye). She was more than content to sit in my lap and snuggle and look through books. She would just look into my eyes and smile. She did enjoy the cake we had for the kids and fed herself just fine." 

This is the very first picture I saw of her and fell in love with before even going on the trip. 

Meeting her for the very first time!

                                                  A little timid and shy but she is beautiful!

Who doesn't love nerf guns?


Coloring on very first day (The red star on crown I colored) 
Waiting for food at KFC. 

Sad to be leaving to go back to orphanage after fun day with advocates. 
Fun filled day! (My sister loves this picture of her) 

Stacking blocks! 


 Saying "Goodbye for now" I can't wait to look in those brown eyes again! 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

How It All Started (WARNING LONG POST)

I am new to the blogging world. Well for the most part. A LONG time ago I started a blog, but only made a couple posts. However I wanted to have a place to keep my thoughts on a new journey I am starting. I wanted to be able to come back and remind myself about the journey. So let's get started.....

This past summer I was on a Family Mission Trip in the beginning of July (2016). I was busy pulling weeds with my pastor's wife (Shelia) and one of their daughters (who happens to be adopted from China). She and I were talking about life. We got on the subject of marriage and children.  I mentioned to her that I never imagined I would be 33 and single. I always thought I would be married to a Godly Christian man and then start a family and adopt one day..  I said that I wanted to be a mother someday, but didn't know if that would ever happen. We talked for a bit.. about life. I talked about how I view all the kids at church like my kids. Often saying "my children" confusing others I am talking with. Yes those from FBC Columbia reading I love your children to death! I pray for them daily and long for them to know the Lord - and that will not change. I was thankful that God has given me a family close by as well as a church family. I know God has a plan for each of us and is in control.  I knew everything was in His timing. I want to be content with life and continue following what the Lord called me to do.  Sheila and I continued to talk and she asked if I had ever considered adoption. Of course as a married couple! She encouraged me that singles could adopt from China. I pretty much immediately dismissed her... I was single a child deserves both a FATHER and a MOTHER. She talked about the love the children need who live in orphanages and we talked about the true love they will never know about living in China. That is to know Christ and what He has done for them. This broke my heart a little, but I was still set that a child deserves a FAMILY and I was just a mother. I said that one day I would like to go to China and experience an orphanage and the culture (We have several children in the church adopted from China). I thought a trip would help me relate to both the parents and the children. Every summer a group from church goes - however summer is BUSY for a Director of Children's Ministries so timing had never worked for me to go. I put this conversation in the back of my mind and dismissed it.

A few weeks later I was a Children's Camp. I had been texting back and forth with my good friend Shannon (who leads the China trip has 4 children adopted from China, and does a lot to advocate for the children there). A group was in our area with children from China who were being hosted here in the states in hopes of helping them find a family. We were texting about that and one of the orphanage staff was staying at Shannon's. Through that experience an opportunity for a fall trip came about. She asked if I was interested that it would probably be sometime in November. I mentioned to the other counselors that I got this text and that I was thinking about going. Everyone was very much on board. I didn't say yes but promised to pray about it when I got home. The camp we attend has a fountain in the middle of campus and in the fountain is a globe. One evening, (after I promised to pray about a trip to China) some of the kids and I were sitting outside by the fountain. One of the boys looks up at the globe and notices that China was right there in sight from where we were sitting. He mentioned look it is China Miss Jenny, then he went on to say how cool that God has brought so many children to our church from there and asked me if I was going to go there and get a child. WHAT not AGAIN!! I said no - but that maybe later in the year I would travel over there if God opened the door for me to go. How God was working already and I had no clue.

I get home from camp, one week break and right into VBS. As I said earlier summer is crazy busy for me. I love it and I love sharing Christ with the kids and watching them grow in their faith!! Once again our mission offering was for China orphanages (as well as Haiti) - our church helps with orphanages in both countries. As I looked for pictures to show the children and lead them in praying for the children longing for a home over there I began to get excited about going on a trip to China. I wanted to meet the children I had prayed for and seen pictures.

It took a couple more weeks and praying and God opening doors for me to say yes to go on the trip for sure. I knew it would be lots of money to fund-raise to go but would be worth it. I also knew if God said to go that he would provide everything I needed for the trip. This trip was going to be a little different then the trips our church had taken in the past. This was more of an advocacy trip. Yes we would go to the orphanage that our church goes to every summer but would also visit two other cities and orphanages there as well. The team was beginning to be built and we prayed for God to send other team members. Shannon from our church would be leading the trip and Rachel and myself from church would be going along with her. God sent 5 other women also from all across the US to go as well! Shannon, Rachel and I met frequently to pray for the trip and plan. We would have children for 3 days at a hotel - what would we do with them!?! There were lots of unanswered questions and I tried not to worry about logistics. It was hard not really knowing what I was getting into. Rachel and Shannon continued to tell me - Jenny you could handle all the kids you do an awesome job every week at church you got this. :) As time got closer (about a month away) - children were assigned to each of the camps. Shannon prayed and asked others to pray about matching the children with the team members. Some team members preferred girls or boys, some preferred one disability over another. I was pretty open - I just wanted to be a vessel to share love and prayed the kids would see the light of Christ through me. I would come home and share like crazy about the kids I met, I would help them find a family. I had been matched with a little boy in each city. In the first city he was blind but oh so cute!! There were some others that weren't matched as we had extra kids - we decided we would just wait till we got there and match them up. We went and bought clothes and a toy for the kids we were matched with or got others to sponsor the kid.. About the time this was all happening Shannon got a message from an advocate about a little girl who had been waiting a long time.. her file was with another agency but would be soon going back to the shared list and Madison Adoption Agency (trip through them) was going to try and get it. Shannon shared her picture with me - it was love at first sight! Shannon said they were trying to get her added to camp (two of the girls had been matched already so there were a couple spots open). I asked if I could PLEASE have her as well - she was the same age as the little boy and they could play together. I showed her picture to my sister who also thought she was the cutest little thing. Having 3 nephews I get to buy boy stuff but never girl stuff. I was excited to go and get a pink outfit, head bands, hair bows, gloves and hats. Penny was off to buy her some pink pajama's! Then a week or a little more before we were going to be leaving.. she still wasn't on the site or list and Shannon hadn't heard. We began packing supplies a couple weeks before then unpacked, repacked, unpacked, and repacked the Sunday before we were leaving (we left on a Thursday). Trying to get everything to fit and be under 50 pounds was a challenge! Shannon had been asked by this time to add a girl to camp but didn't have details. I said I would take the girl no matter what. I asked her and others to pray that the clothes I had bought and were packed in my suit case would fit this little girl and I would love her just the same. Then days before we were getting ready to leave Shannon got a picture of the little girl ..... yup it was the same picture that captured my heart weeks before! I was thrilled!!!

First 5 days in China were spent in an orphanage in CZ that my church goes to often. I will write about it another time as it pulled at my heart and opened my eyes. My heart began to open as I loved a little boy there and imagined him playing with my nephews. 6 of the 8 on the team had families who had adopted. 1 team member was adopted and has 10 sisters adopted from China as well. 5 moms who had children from China. Many kept telling me Jenny you should adopt. I kept saying NOPE - but someday. Once again little did I know God was writing a love story so His name can be glorified!

The second city was the city of the little girl I already LOVED! I had been praying for her (actually all the kids) for weeks. We had a small tour of the orphanage - when we walked in her room I saw her immediately - she was sitting at a table with several others kids having a snack. I walked right over to her at first she was a little shy, but the nanny took her by the hand and lead her over to the group. I picked her up and she got the biggest smile on her face (Yes it makes me smile as I write this). (I have pictures but have to figure out how to put them on the site) She had braces on her legs (which I knew from pictures) but she was able to walk just fine with them. My other little guy was in this room too - he was a little more hesitant but still as cute as could be. We then left this room and went to see a few others. We then went to a conference room and met the director and several people from the social welfare of the city. We were welcomed and thanked for coming. They had a PowerPoint that was about the orphanage and it's history. (I am so glad I got to see this!) We then had lunch with this group of staff and our group (Which included staff from the adoption agency as well). After lunch we went to a room to meet all the kids we would be hosting. It was a bit chaotic! 16 or 17 kids ages 3 - 12 running around. In this room I played with several but was still drawn to this little girl - Nikki- (this is what the agency called her - also not what I am leaning to name her - that will be announced in another post when I know for sure). Not her Chinese name just a way to identify the children. I also played with the other boy. Nikki drug me off to the side to play with a little doll house (I have video of her playing!). Then we loaded all the kids on the bus and went to the hotel. We had all the kids in a conference room where we gave them candy, played games, with play dough, balloons, danced to music, painted and many other activities. Once again CHAOS!! Fun but CHAOS!! I stuck close to Nikki a lot! She was calm and loved attention looking into your eyes and smiling. I played with the other little boy but he stuck very close to the nannies. I believe not knowing our language, a strange loud room was a bit too much for him. He did like to be tickled and had the cutest little laugh! After a couple hours it was time for the kids to go back. We gathered as a group to try and come up with a game plan for day 2, there were 16 kids and 8 of us. We thought 2 would be fine but hard with the big age gaps between children. So we decided to divide the kids up. The next day we would take the younger ones and go to eat, and to the mall to an indoor play place. Then the following day we would take the older kids to the park and to a restaurant. So, I had 2 kids the following day - so we switched up the kids a bit and Morgan (adopted from China and still speaks the language!!) volunteered to take the little boy as she would be able to communicate with him. She was amazing with him and he adored her. So I had Nikki, the morning started out with a bath - she loved it! However, then trying to get her braces back on correctly :). Followed by changing her outfit to the cute outfit I brought and doing her hair. She LOVED the bow in her hair. the more accessories the better for her! Then we assessed the kids trying to figure out what the could and couldn't do. I was amazed at all the things Nikki could do. Yes she was behind in some areas but did great in other areas. (Plus it is hard to really know as the kids freeze up some - they know why you are asking them to do different skills.) Lets just say the rest of the day was all about me falling more in LOVE with Nikki!! I went into the tunnels with her, held her hand going down the slide, pushed her in a little car, picked her up out of the ball pit and adored her the whole time. Every one kept commenting on how much I loved her and she loved me. I was STILL insistent I wasn't adopting!! But my heart was being swayed just a bit. She sat in my lap as I played with the little boy in the ball pit, just sitting content for me to play with another child. He loved the interaction and giggled and chatted as I threw balls at him lightly. Actually at this time I had all 7 kids in the ball pit with me while the other adults were talking :) - I didn't mind a  bit I was in my element!

We left the mall and went back to the hotel. We fed the kids a snack and then had to put them back on the bus.. let's just say that was VERY hard!! I knew I would see her the next afternoon as we had a party to say goodbye with all 16 kids again but I was still sad to send her off. The next day I paired up with Morgan again each of us taking an older boy who was blind. They were a joy and we had so much fun with them. Morgan was once again a huge help as she could communicate with them! As the day wrapped up I was beginning to feel a headache coming on. (I hadn't had a migraine in months and was afraid I was headed in that direction)  My heart was heavy - just four days prior I had said goodbye to a whole orphanage of children I had fallen in love with. Now once again I was going to have to say goodbye to these boys and Nikki. I was preparing myself to spend the whole next day traveling on a train to the final city as well. Where I knew I would fall in love and once again have to say goodbye. My heart couldn't take it, why had I agreed to come - I needed God's strength. I had to spend time in prayer and scripture asking God to help me complete the task He had called me to do. The bus ride back to the orphanage was hard, I was feeling worse and trying to tell myself I was fine. It was obvious I couldn't hide how I felt because other kept asking if I was ok. We got back to the orphanage and they took us back to the first room where all the kids had been together the first day where is was LOUD and chaotic! I didn't know how I would do it until Nikki came walking through the doors and ran into my arms. I scooped her up and went over to a couch and just sat down with her. She just snuggled in my lap and played with my hair content to just sit still with me. We looked at a few books - I couldn't read them but pointed to pictures. Other kids were running around and I put her down a couple time only for her to lift her arms back up to me. OH MY - my heart was struggling! My head was felling a little better (thanks to Alieve) but I still wasn't feeling great. It was time to have cake with the kids. I did get up and went over to the area. We took pictures with all the kids (I actually never got my phone out on this afternoon - thankfully others shared pictures!) Nikki and I both enjoyed eating cake. Then staff from Madison wanted to get some video of Nikki so they could update her file - all the while teasing me that she was pretty content in my lap. So I encouraged her to walk across the room as they videoed. Which ends with her arms wrapped around my neck in a big hug! Her nannies then came for her (upon which she held on tight and I had to pull her legs from around me and put her down) - HARD!!! However while here a family had been instant messaging me about her and praying - I was hopeful this would be her family. I loved her and she deserved a family and to know love. I held on to the fact that she would find someone I would fight when I got home! After the kids left the entire group was spent. We were tired and emotional! (However this night we were treated to a massage that was amazing that did help) :)

The next city I had an adorable little boy. He was so funny and took my mind off missing a certain little girl. He made the funniest faces and mimicked everything I did. I maybe spoiled him a bit - he refused to walk more then 20 or so steps before he was whining to be picked up - yes I carried him everywhere we walked. He was a light little thing and I didn't mind! Once again a family had seen him on a Facebook group and friended me and was asking questions. It helped as I knew a family was praying about him as well! God was working. I worked to ask the nannies the questions for the family and continued to love on him and have fun! And as just before after 3 days it was time to say goodbye. A little easier this time - after two goodbye your heart is a bit numb. It was also easier knowing this family was pretty serious about him. (I am happy to say they have chosen to go through with his adoption!). I would now be leaving China - headed to a long flight home and a heart that was broken. My mind was filled with questions....

I came home and it was days before Thanksgiving. I am tired, traveling is hard! I had a hard time with the Holiday - it was reverse culture shock. We are so blessed in America and really thankful for trivial things. Facebook annoyed me as people complained about things - yet I had just been with kids who had nothing, yet were happy. We gripe over trivial matters and I was annoyed easily.  I was still chatting with the family as they prayed about Nikki. Praying her family would find her, praying it was a Christian family so she would know about His love. I was pushing hard! Then the next couple weeks it was shown the family was not going to be able to go through with her adoption - they are adopting just not her. The mom kept telling me she thought I was her mommy - why doesn't everyone get it I AM SINGLE!!! Yeah Yeah I know China allows singles to adopt. I had plenty of excuses I don't make enough to raise a kid, adoption costs A TON, what about ..... you name it I had a reason. I began to share with a few people my struggles.. they began to pray. Some even telling me it was meant to be and would have an answer every time I had an excuse or a story about how God provides. Then I began to wake up at night dreaming about this little girl. Throughout the day I would catch myself checking the clock to see what time it was.. and what time it was in China. As I prayed she would come up... as I read Scripture God began to speak.... WHAT I said she deserves a FATHER - He reminded me she needs to know the Father - in China she will never hear the gospel. UGG I can't do this.. (Telling God no doesn't work) - what about work.. So I met with my pastor - we cried together and he asked me to continue to pray but was in full support. Then God  also began to show me His plan through my quiet times. It was almost Christmas and I was studying Luke teaching the kids. First one to hit me in the gut - Zachariah and Elizabeth's - how Zachariah laughed at God and there was a consequence from this when he was told he would be a father. Was I doing the same??? Was God really calling me to be a mother? Could this be His plan?? Then the next week... Mary and Joseph and how they immediately believed.... who are we to be like Zachariah or Mary and Joseph. Ouch this hit hard... I still wasn't sure. However I didn't want to not trust God - I wanted to do what He was asking of me. I begin to share with a few more people and surprised to find most were excited ... I just asked they pray. Many asking when I was finally going to just say yes.  More quiet time about serving God first and who is my master... about Him being the provider of everything.. Ok God I get it I was fill out paperwork... so I did and at first it came back not sure.. so a little bit of research my insurance company and prayer .. but honestly questioning and thinking ok maybe the agency said not yet and I was just to be obedient - I had filled out the paperwork - right?. But my heart knew that wasn't the answer so got more information and sent to the agency and they came back and said yes you qualify. They put her file on hold and asked me to get a medical review. I did some research asked a few people and decided to send her file to University of Minnesota Adoption Clinic. It was a bit costly but I would know everything I was in for. If there were other diagnosis that might have been missed, the therapies they thought she would need and how often. Plus if I said yes - they would be along for the ride and I could contact them at any time with questions. Also - they are available via Skype when I travel to get her, so after praying felt it was worth the money. I waited and waited and it was past time when it should have came back by 24 hours or more and it was a guarantee to be back. So I emailed and immediately got it they had just forgot to hit submit. The review was actually positive. Got the review back on 12/21/16. Waited to share more with my parents at Christmas. Then after Christmas on 12/28/16 filled out all the paperwork. Wrote a "letter on intent" (LOI) got it notarized, wrote a check and mailed it to the agency. I knew they were closed until the following week. Got an email on 1/4/17 they had received my packet and would be assigning a case worker (send another check) :) - Got an email 1/6/17 from caseworker that she had my application and LOI and would in the next day or so be sending it to China and let me know when I received PA (pre-approval). On 1/9/17 I got an email from a social worker to begin the HS (Home Study) process. She said she would mail me a packet of information. Then on 1/12/17 I got the packet in the mail and she also emailed me an autobiography to begin filling out. We had an ice storm here on Friday 1/13/17 - so I worked from home. I was working on some curriculum when I saw I had an email pop up from the case worker. I thought I was going to need to sign something else and send her way. However to my surprise is was notification that my PA came!!! This meant I could now officially share on social media that I am adopting and begin raising funds to help pay for it! I wanted to call several family members first as I hadn't shared with them that I was adopting. I will be back often to write about the journey and ask for you to pray for the process! It seems to all have happened quickly but I know this is God's plan and is in His timing.

PA accomplished next task is to complete the HS - most take about 2 months - I am praying I can get it done in that amount of time as well. Once HS (Home Study) is done I will ask for prayer for the next step. Depending how long each step takes she could be home in about 8 - 10 months could be longer if steps take longer. Praying it is not longer as my arms long for her to be in them, to tell her about the love of Jesus!!